Saturday, January 25, 2014

Just a Code

It seems so strange to me that a four letter code can sum up my personality. At first, I was very skeptical of this Myers-Briggs test. It just seemed too.. easy? After discovering that my four letter code was ESFP I just had to investigate. What did this test have to say about me.

After doing some research over the internet, I found some surprisingly accurate characteristics that I have. Here's what I found:
  • ESFPs love communicating with other people and can spend hours upon hours chatting about various topics. 
    • (Very true. I can talk for hours.)
  • There is no clearer tell-tale of an ESFP than the fact that someone has just spent the last hour talking about everything but the topic that was supposed to be the main reason for the conversation.
    • (Also true. I get distracted veeeery easily while talking.. I feel sorry for my friends!)
  • They are immersed in a never-ending performance, trying to cheer other people up.
  • Very observant, able to notice and respond to someone’s distressed emotional state.
While I do agree with these traits, I feel as if this test was not 100% accurate. Sure, I do enjoy hanging out with my friends and talking non-stop, however I do not agree with the lack of organization often associated with ESFPs. My teachers and friends often tease me for how organized my notebooks and planners are. While I am very organized with my school work, I am not organized when it comes to making plans. I like to play everything by ear, which is most likely why I am Perceiving. 

"When we put people in boxes where they can only be one or another, we miss the opportunity to see people as diverse as they are"

While I do not agree 100% with my four letter code, I do think that it is very helpful to know what your personality type is. It was helpful hearing what jobs would be good for those with my personality type. As for the personality codes making people seem less diverse, I don't agree with that statement. Just being you are categorized into a certain personality type, does not mean that you fit into that personality type 100%. We also have different levels (or percentages) of each letter in the code, which makes us more unique from one another. 

Overall, I really enjoyed learning what my personality type was. While I do not agree with everything presented before me, it still very helpful and informing to learn about my strengths and weaknesses. With a better understanding of how I work, I believe that it will be easier to work in a group by knowing what my strengths and weaknesses are. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Inspire, Motivate, and Encourage

After looking through the various leadership techniques and models, I was able to relate most to the Transformational Leadership Model. What I like most about this model, is that you can inspire positive changes in those who follow. When googling this model, I found that "transformational leaders are generally energetic, enthusiastic, and passionate. Not only are these leaders concerned and involved in the process; they are also focused on helping every member of the group succeed as well." on I knew right away after reading this that this model applies to my life.

So how does this model apply to my life? Well, as an athlete I have found it necessary to inspire my teammates around me. Rowing is not an easy sport. It is a mental game that requires a positive attitude in order to succeed. In high school, I was on a team with an absolutely crazy coach that over trained us. To make the training more tolerable, I knew that I had to stay positive and think of all of the benefits to our intense practices. I often cracked jokes before test pieces and reminded my team to view this as a workout rather than a test. By having a positive attitude at practice, my teammates found it easier to push themselves and to make it through the days that we dreaded (such as 6k Mondays). As a team, we focused on making sure that ever person improved. We were always there for each other, especially when times were tough. 

Not only has this model been found in the athletic part of my life, but I have seen this at school and even at home. At school, I have always made an effort to be creative with what ever projects I have at hand. When working in groups, I am always there to motivate people and bring excitement to what ever I am working on. For example, this year my CTW class had to turn in a learning log at the end of the fall quarter. My teacher gave us the option of writing a paper or creatively displaying what we had learned. I immediately knew that I had to make something that would bring a smile to my classmates' faces. So, I teamed up with one of my friends in class and created a video (video will be up on here on Monday).  

To sum everything up, I love motivating people and encouraging them to do great things. I hope that one day I can have a job that motivates and inspires those around me. 

I love eating trail mix. All of the flavors seem to compliment one another. This can apply to the social change model. While all of the pieces are different, they come together to create something wonderful. In life, when people with different views, ideas, and personalities come together great things are created. That is why trail mix reminds me of the social change model we discussed in class.

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Hello!! My name is Brittany Peters and I am a freshman here at SCU! I am currently a Public Health major with plans of some day going into the medical field. I am rowing on SCU Women's rowing team. I have been rowing 4 years (this will be my 5th), and was recruited to row here my senior year of high school.

So where am I from? Well, I am actually from a small suburb in Chicago. I am sure that you all will hear my accent eventually. It's pretty obvious that I am from the Midwest.

As for hobbies and interests, I like doing a lot different things. When I am not rowing, I am usually hanging out with friends, taking pictures, baking, cooking, reading (yes, I enjoy reading.), laughing (mostly at myself), cracking jokes, listening to Katy Perry, traveling, watching movies, and playing sports. I am a pretty busy person, and I like it that way!

Lastly, I am a very happy go-lucky person. I love making people laugh and making people smile. My jokes are never funny, but I try. I am also very talkative, so do not hesitate to talk to me. My mom always jokes that I talk too much. Besides my constant desire to talk and laugh, I am a determined person. I never give up, and I thank rowing for that. I enjoy pushing myself and those around me.

Well, I can't wait to get to know all of you!

Stay cool,